Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Why is it improved

The original map is only a display of the election results by state. This map poorly represents the statistics of these states including the demographics of the voters. In order to improve this map I decided to download race specific data for the voting age population, which is 18 years or older. I downloaded the African American specifics and adjusted the percentages to account for the total number of people in the state for all races. Therefore the percentages now represent the percentage of African Americans of voting age in that state out of the entire states’ population. My improved map displays the results of the election as well as the percentage of black voters who voted in that state. It is interesting to note that some of the highest concentration of black voters were found in states that were won by the Republican party. This common misconception of ‘swing votes’ being attributed to racial statistics is seen to be false as these votes did not necessarily benefit Barack Obama. However, it is interesting to be able to see more demographic profiles in the map instead of only who won and who lost.

1 comment:

Mike said...

all I know is that there are alot of Mexicans in NC